Monday, 8 March 2010

You Name It. I Don't Have an Idea.

woohooooow it's been long time I haven't posted anything in here. tomorrow is gonna be my super heartbeating day ever!!!! my first GPA will be announced. haaaaaah I don't expect too much. Why oh why? I got Indonesian lang at the first semester, that was the most hated subject in my entire life. no offense. I keep on failing in Indo lang since elementary. hahahaha word! and now I'm in college and and and still the same trouble, Indonesian lang.
whatsoever with that!
anyway I got a brand new experiences in college. when you see random people suroundded you. ahahaha quite fun!
when you see, bushels of people are trying hard to reach you know, being famous in their way. ahahahaha in the other words, Labile.

haaaaaaaah I'm not in the good mood to write. males ngebacot, gak tau kenapa.
bye followers, keep reading.

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