Friday, 23 July 2010

Suicided by Molen-Rio In Midnight.

Ola! For twice, I've aired on Clubsky Trax FM. Molen - Rio unyu minyi!!! Hihih ♥

Last night, I did karaoke with them. On-air! D'oh I know, it's so lame. I can't sing very well. No, I can't even catch the tones! HAHAH. It was a SUICIDE in the middle of night.

But that was so fucking fffuuuuun! Molen and Rio always knew, how to boost my mood. Yea, after that rejection announcement, I felt so bad.

Walaupun gak menang karaoke, tapi aku senang!
Kisses you both, Maulana Kasetra & Rio Wicaksono!


Nyek ♥☺


Again. I'm rejected. I'm failed.

Analoginya, masuk MRA Broadcaster (khususnya Trax FM) sama aja kayak masuk UI.

Perjuangannya maha dahsyat! RUAAAAAAARR BINASAAAAAA!!! Bayangin aja, 3 radio (Hardrock, Cosmopolitan, Trax FM) cuma nerima 5 orang. Total 15 orang yg kepilih dari ribuan applicants! Dan gue salah seorang yg LOSER. GAGAL.

Kecewa? BANGEEET!!! Tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Berusaha ikhlas & sabar aja lah.

Friday, 16 July 2010


Satu-satunya passion dalam hidup gue adalah, musik dan radio.

Yes, dari dulu gue pengen banget-bangetan jadi announcer atau apapun lah asal kerja di radio, setiap saat selalu berhubungan dengan musik.

Banyak orang di sekeliling gue yg mencibir. Gue bales dengan senyum sungging kecil.

Toh, gue udah memulainya dengan langkah kecil. Jadi Music Director sekaligus penyiar dadakan di radio kampus sendiri. Ya, radio kampus gue emang gak sebesar punya Binus, UI atau LSPR. Tapi cukup memberi gue edukasi ttg radio.
Seperti filosofi bayi : dari merangkak, berjalan tertatih, berjalan lancar hingga akhirnya bisa berlari kencang. Mengejar segala obsesi.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Trax FM Jakarta dan OZ Radio Jakarta. I'll catch you both!!! :'-)



Thursday, 15 July 2010

Meeting Up With Old-Friends.

Hari ini seru dan sedikit capek! Bertemu kangen dengan beberapa kawan lama. Hahahah meskipun awalnya agak kaku suasananya, maklum we haven't met up since a year ago! Wow!

Terima kasih Lala & keluarga atas ruangan rumahnya yg jadi 'base-camp' serta makanan yg super enak. Haha! :D

Tak lupa Nunu, Citra, Dandy, Aboy & Adzima. Haha.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Bertaruh Peruntungan ☺

Siang ini gue iseng ikut kuis di HardRock FM. Dan... gue menang! Mahahahah :)

Kuisnya simple, cuma nge-tweet quote ke HardRock sesuai tema yg ada. Eh tiba-tiba, gue di-mention disuruh kirim email no hp gue & quote gue.

Tiba-tiba ada telpon masuk, nyuruh gue on air di HardRock FM pas Drive & Jive Iwet Ramadhan-Ary Karina. Bla bla bla voila! Gue (katanya) dapet Rp. 250.000,- plus paket dari Caring Colours.

Gue gak diinformasikan cara pengambilan hadiah dsb. Pas selesai on air, hp gak gue matiin. Tapi kok gak ada operator yg konfirmasi data dsb. Gue matiin deh. Buka Twitter, mention ke pihak mereka eh gue disuruh cek email.

Ngecek. Taunya..... Gue disuruh tunggu telepon dari pihak HardRock buat konfirmasi dsb. Sampai detik ini gue nge-blog belum di telepong lagi tuh. Sangsi eke ciyn. :/

Rejeki gak ke mana deh. Bismillah lah. :O


Monday, 12 July 2010

Batu Karang Tidak Selamanya Tangguh.

I'm tired.

I'm off. I'm giving up. I don't wanna pursue my goals anymore.

I'm sick of rejections & failures. Couldn't agree more, this is pissed me off.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

I. Don't. Get. Along. With. You. Anymore.

I don't get along with my family anymore. Seriously.

I've been devastated with my Dad. I hate him so much, beyond your imagination.

Have you ever felt of being betrayed with someone whom you respect so much? I have. Yea, my Dad. I-HATE-HIM.

I have wished for living & growing up in another family oneday.

I'm afraid of marriage eventually. :'-(

Weird. Combo Dreams.

11th July in the early morning.

Oh Lord.
This morning is shocking me quite terribly. I had a nightmare and umm... sweet dream in one night.

Mimpi buruknya : entah mengapa tiba-tiba nyokap gue nyuruh putus kuliah! IS IT A SIGN? I repeat, IS IT A SIGN GOD??!
Reaksi gue, langsung bangun dan bengong terus tidur lagi. Ya, keadaan financial keluarga gue emg lagi carut marut. Makanya gue mati matian nyari2 job sekarang. Blah!

Mimpi indahnya : tiba-tiba di telpon Tyo (Produser 'Clubsky' Trax FM Jakarta) buat interview (gue agak bingung interview apa, yg jelas kyk interview kerja) by phone dan ON AIR di acara Clubsky. Whatta......!!!
I don't expect it too much. Nothing to loose. I'm giving up, honestly.



Thursday, 1 July 2010

Fixing Up Everything

I jumped out from the highest mountain in my life.

I died.

I lost my breath.

I flew away to somewhere which I didn't recognize where I stand.


I realize, I have to fix up everything.

I woke up, opened my eyes and felt the fresh air that I took first. I declare myself, this is the day that I've been waiting for. The day that I take a new step of my life. I'm not a loser. I can struggle and deal with my life. And I believe..... God's always beside me. I will be a winner of my own game some day. I will be.


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